So when I'm not jumping into the La Salle pool, I'm swimming in constant deadlines and paperwork to prepare for study abroad. But everything is gradually getting checked off the list. I completed the medical authorization paperwork [good news: i'm in one piece enough to travel to Rome, ahah I was rather pleased], submitted my housing request to stay in a single bedroom in a shared apartment in the "Student Living" set of buildings, and mailed in my 9 passport-sized photos so that EAP staff in Rome can put a face to a name. [sadly, the pictures didn't turn out too hot. I just dont know if they really do justice to the name of Haley Fiorenza Baird Donovan. Too bad I couldn't just forward them a few of my facebook profile pics...Somehow the fluorescent lighting at the Longs Photo Station just didn't do wonders, aesthetically speaking. oh well, c'est la vie. Or, rather, C' e la vita? E la vita? I have to work on that.], and I EVEN HAVE MY PLANE TICKET!! yessssss. I leave SFO on August 17th, arrive in Rome disoriented, overwhelmed, exhausted, but giddy and enchanted on August 18th, and begin the program on August 19th, my 21st birthday. Something tells me it's going to be a very good birthday ;) A massive leap of improvement from my 20th birthday.
For the most part, the only thing left to do is apply for my Visa (wayyyyy excited about how that'll snazz up my passport), which i hear is QUITE the process. Let the checklists...continue!
Since I've uploaded my blog last, a lot more has happened in preparations. I went to my pre-departure orientation; that was really fun. Pre-Departure orientation was an info session for program participants with our program advisor and two girls who participated in the program last year. Between hearing about their experiences and hearing what we can expect to be a part of ours, it was fabulous. They answered all our questions, and it was very informative. All in all, it got me even more incredibly pumped. And it was great to meet the other people who also in the same program as me.
Just last week the Education Abroad Center hosted a study-abroad social event/info night/meet-and-greet at Woodstock's Pizza in Downtown Davis. It's really great how the EAC coordinates things like this; there were past participants, future participants, and students who are studying at Davis from somewhere abroad. [Shawna and I made friends with several International Students from places like Chile and New Zealand] Good times for sure!
In addition to making sure I'm addressing the tasks and such that EAP expects from me, I've been also enjoying a little research of my own, such as looking up music that's big in Italy. Some things I came across on one of those classic YouTube adventures:
what more could an international-music-lovin girl ask for? ;)
My next step, among many, is to start reading travelbooks/guidebooks on Rome....
Blog numero dos
god damn, this site is frickin confusing, it took me forever jus to find my
blog, look at it, then b able to add to it w/o creating a whole nother
15 years ago